Executive Director’s Report
Stephen Adams joins Middle Georgia Economic Alliance (MGEA) for a presentation at the Georgia Experience Center.
Stepping into the month of October, we are excited to share the latest updates, achievements, and opportunities within the Macon Bibb County Industrial Authority. This month we highlight an overview of the ongoing economic development efforts, community partnerships, initiatives, and project spotlights that are shaping our local industry landscape.
Executive Director, Stephen Adams, had the privilege of being a guest speaker for the Fall Kickoff of Future Workforce Friday, an initiative of the Macon Chamber of Commerce. On September 8th, Adams spoke to Central Charter Middle School students about local opportunities, specifically meaningful employment. He also drove home the point that meaningful employment is the beginning of the path to anywhere in the world, and that can happen right here in Macon. With the work we are doing here at MBCIA, that was a great platform to wholeheartedly encourage students to engage in the opportunities in our community.
As a team, we continued to delve into economic development efforts while actively participating in events with our partners that fuel so much of our collaboration and growth. We were excited to join the presentation of the Middle Georgia Economic Alliance at the Georgia Experience Center on September 14th. We shared the message with project managers and other community and industry partners that Middle Georgia remains dedicated to fostering collaboration and driving economic growth and prosperity throughout our region.
Partnering with our local industries to create new and beneficial ways to invest in our workforce is a priority for the Macon Bibb County Industrial Authority. That goal is happening here every day through initiatives with our local industries, improvements to the business parks we own and manage, and partnering with local organizations to provide job training programs that equip individuals with the skills they need to succeed in today’s competitive job market. From technical skills to soft skills development, these programs are helping our residents unlock new career opportunities. Additionally in September, we enriched our valuable connections and provided meaningful resources to the industry partners we support. Keep reading to hear more of the fun and forward movement happening at the MBCIA.
Existing Industry Manager’s Report
Industry partners luncheon Q&A led by Brian Cooksey, Director of Workforce Development, Shaw Industries; Stephen Adams, Executive Director, MBCIA; Dr. Dan Sims, Superintendent, Macon-Bibb County School System.
At MBCIA, we are regularly engaging with our community partners, industry leaders, and key stakeholders to foster growth and collaboration. As the existing industry manager at MBCIA, Eleyce Coleman has the privilege of being instrumental in orchestrating these events and supporting the existing industry community.
September was an exceptional month for MBCIA. We organized several events that provided unique networking opportunities, business support, and professional development to our industrial partners. This month we had our semi-annual Industry Partners Luncheon with a topic focused on empowering the under 18 workforce in Macon-Bibb County. Check out the Industry Spotlight portion of the newsletter to learn more about this incredible resource to increase the skilled workforce in Macon-Bibb County.
Furthermore, we brought together WorkSource Middle Georgia with some awesome industries like Freudenberg, Middle Georgia Freightliner, Coca-Cola Bottling Company, YKK AP, Collins Manufacturing, Tyson Foods, and GIGA to chat about all the programs and services these companies are offering. It was extremely informative, and just another way we are fostering existing industry growth here in Macon-Bibb County. We are committed to supporting our existing industry at MBCIA, and we are continuing to design events and opportunities for engagement that address the most pressing challenges faced by local industry, giving us the best chance to grow and thrive in Macon-Bibb County.
Letter from the Project Manager
Hey there! If you’re new here, let me introduce myself. I’m Gary Wilson, Project Manager at MBCIA, and my job is to keep things moving smoothly. I work with Planning and Zoning, Macon Water Authority, and all the permit-approving parties in Macon-Bibb County. Whether you’re a new company or an existing one looking to expand, I’m here to help. If you need assistance with permits, road issues, overgrown areas, or even environmental reports, don’t hesitate to reach out to me at gwilson@mbcia.com.
If you’re in need of office or warehouse space, you’re in luck! MBCIA owns and operates Allied Industrial Park, where we offer affordable rental options. Right now, we have fantastic office/light warehouse space available including 2685 sq ft of newly remodeled office space with ready-to-go cubicles and individual spaces for upstarts. This space was previously occupied by Raffield Tire. Reach out anytime, and I’d be thrilled to show it to you!
Industry Spotlight
Eleyce Coleman, Existing Industry Manager, MBCIA; Brian Cooksey, Director of Workforce Development, Shaw Industries; Dr. Cassandra Miller-Washington, Executive Director, Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education.
On September 21st, MBCIA organized the second semi-annual Industry Partners Luncheon hosted by the W.S. Hutchings College and Career Academy. Our incredibly delicious lunch was catered by the students of the Culinary Arts programs in which the students exhibited the skills they are learning as part of the Pathways program.
While the industry and community partners in attendance enjoyed connecting with one another, we had the opportunity to learn about the compelling experience of Mr. Brian Cooksey from Shaw Industries. At Shaw, they have created opportunities to harness the under 18 workforce being trained at their local career academy in Dalton, Ga. Here in Macon-Bibb, we also have very skilled students receiving certifications and college credits in numerous areas of study that can benefit our local industries.
It was MBCIA’s pleasure to facilitate the conversation between the Superintendent of Bibb County Schools, Dr. Dan Sims, Dr. Cassandra Washington, CEO of Hutchings College and Career Academy, and our industry partners to benefit both the next generation and the companies serving Macon-Bibb County. The event received overwhelming participation, and positive feedback from attendees, and we anticipate seeing the benefit in our workforce through this initiative in the coming years. If your company would like more information or next steps to onboard an under 18 workforce, please contact MBCIA’s Existing Industry Manager Eleyce Coleman at ecoleman@mbcia.com.
Community Partner Feature
Gary Bechtel, Chairman of MWA; Seth Clark, Executive Director at Ocmulgee National Park and Preserve Initiative; Robby Fountain, Chairman, MBCIA; Mayor Lester Miller; Dr Cassandra Washington, Board Member; Ember Bentley, Board Member; and Stephen Adams, Executive Director, MBCIA.
This month, MBCIA is excited to feature the National Park Service (NPS) as our Community Partner. Seth Clark, Executive Director of the Ocmulgee National Park & Preserve Initiative (ONPPI), a community-based group dedicated to preserving and enhancing the historical significance of the region, has led the collaborative effort of Middle Georgia and Muscogee (Creek) citizens aiming to expand the existing Ocmulgee Mounds National Historical Park into Georgia’s inaugural National Park and Preserve. MBCIA has supported the work of the NPS in establishing a world-class destination that educates and fascinates, while also bolstering sustainable tourism to the area projected to attract up to 1.3 million annual visitors. The establishment of Georgia’s first National Park and Preserve will bring numerous benefits to the local communities, creating new job opportunities, stimulating economic growth, and promoting cultural exchange.