Friends of MBCIA,
As we approach the end of a fruitful year, we are proud to announce another record-breaking return from the Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) program to our Macon-Bibb County Commission (BOC) and Board of Education (BOE). This crucial tax incentive helps offset the project start-up burden for companies interested in relocating or expanding in our community, while still generating revenues crucial to the BOC and BOE in providing services to our community. The program not only stands as a testament to the attractiveness of Macon-Bibb as a thriving business hub, but also illustrates a symbolic capstone to a year of significant investment back into our community by the Macon-Bibb County Industrial Authority (MBCIA).
In line with this year’s theme: Global Reach, Local Impact, MBCIA’s provision of more than $12.1 Million in targeted community investments provided substantial leveraging dollars, catalyzing community collaboration and growth. These investments stand upon the great work and success of previous years, and each one has been intentional in advancing economic development and creating a robust workforce ecosystem in Macon-Bibb County. Year after year we continue to invest in our partners’ successes, and the impact of MBCIA’s funding toward these endeavors will be felt for years to come. We believe that a thriving community stems from holistic growth, and holistic growth will continue to propel our economic development efforts in the future.
As a collective of our efforts this past year, it is with great pleasure that I present to you MBCIA’s FY2023 Annual Report.
Throughout this report, MBCIA’s global reach is evident by way of our strong industrial base and the resulting significant local impact on our region. Working together with our community partners like Macon-Bibb County, Macon Water Authority, Bibb County Board of Education, VisitMacon, the Greater Macon Chamber of Commerce, Urban Development Authority, and many others, we have collectively made significant strides in establishing Macon-Bibb County as a preferred destination for businesses seeking to land or expand their operations both nationally and internationally.
This, coupled with our steadfast efforts to nurture and grow local talent for a robust industrial workforce pipeline have combined to create a symbiotic relationship supporting our unwavering commitment to elevating the quality of life for all residents of Macon-Bibb County.
As you read the Annual Report, I am confident that you will be inspired by the success stories that embody the impact mentioned above. From empowering communities through local support initiatives, to implementing sustainable programs, our efforts have brought about positive change on a significant scale.
With that, team MBCIA welcomes 2024 with great enthusiasm and excitement for the possibilities! We hope that you are inspired to join us in our mission of #maconopportunies to create a better future for Macon-Bibb County.
Stephen Adams
Executive Director