Executive Director’s Report

2024 Executive Summit
August was filled with community partnership efforts, workforce recruitment, local economic development and of course – the back-to-school season. As we head into a new month, the Macon-Bibb Industrial Authority (MBCIA) reflects on one of the state’s most insightful events of the year: the Georgia Economic Developers Association (GEDA) Development Authority Executive Summit.
On August 14, Development Authority Executives from across the state met at the Macon Mall Meeting Center for an exclusive opportunity to discuss best practices for economic development and retention, review legislative issues and network.
The event featured several speakers: Grant Cagle from the Georgia Economic Developers Association, Angie Gheesling from the Middle Georgia Economic Alliance, Sen. John F. Kennedy, Gina Webb, Executive Director of OneGeorgia Authority, Barton Lowery, GDEcD, Director of Statewide Projects, Taylor Kielty from the Georgia Power division of Economic Development, Kevin Brown from Seyfarth Shaw, and Alex Morrison from the Macon-Bibb County Urban Development Authority.
It was an honor to speak alongside each of these individuals who are committed to bettering workforces and communities throughout the state. The MBCIA looks forward to implementing the best practices shared at the Executive Summit to further develop and enhance the Macon-Bibb County Workforce.
As we head into September, the MBCIA will continue to keep our efforts on the Macon workforce. We will continue to celebrate and develop Macon-Bibb County’s vast workforce participation, highly motivated community members and wide range of talent. Here’s to another great month! For more updates on our ongoing initiatives, don’t forget to visit our MBCIA Facebook page.
Existing Industry Manager’s Report
Tour of Nichiha USA
August was a great month spent celebrating the power of partnerships and collaboration within Macon-Bibb County’s advantageous workforce. The Macon-Bibb Industrial Authority (MBCIA) is gearing up to host the semi-annual Industry Partner Luncheon (IPL) at Rhythm and Rally in Macon. The event will take place on September 12. This month’s session will focus on elevating and improving the Macon-Bibb County workforce with best practices for hiring and retention.
The IPL is one of our favorite events at the MBCIA because it allows us to celebrate the success and power of partnerships and collaboration in our community – the groundwork for retaining skilled employees and promoting high morale across our workforce.
The Macon-Bibb County workforce is bustling – with 76.4 percent of Maconites ages 25 to 54 currently participating in the work force. Currently, the workforce consists of 63,500 people. This is a testament to Macon’s highly motivated community members and wide range of talent. It’s our goal to maintain and improve these statistics to ensure that Macon is home to a world-class workforce.
Another exciting opportunity I had this month was to tour YKK USA and Nichiha USA with the Statewide Project Manager for the Georgia Department of Economic Development – Mellissa Takeuchi. Melissa accompanied me on a tour to meet with Japanese companies in Macon. We used the opportunity for introductions, to explain available resources, and to demonstrate our support. As a way of improving the workforce at these two companies in Macon, Melissa is helping them get translators on each shift, which would improve operations and morale.
The MBCIA is excited for another month of growth, innovation and contribution to our local community and workforce.
Letter from the Project Manager
Project Manager Gary Wilson in front of old I-75 Business Park sign
This old dog is coming down!
The MBCIA has made it a goal to update the industry park signs throughout our community with our updated branding. Ensuring that the signs displayed throughout Macon are modern and well-kept is representative of the care and respect we have for our community.
The sign at 75 Business Park (shown above) is not representative of the care and maintenance we have put into the industrial park, which has been an anchor in our community since the 1990s. In September, the sign is coming down! It will be replaced with a refreshed version that features the MBCIA and Macon Water Authority branding – a vast improvement over the current one, which I don’t want to spoil. Further, new signage will be put up at Sardis Church Road.
Replacing outdated signage has been an ongoing project since I joined the MBCIA in 2020, when we updated the Airport South Industrial Park sign. Further, we’ve updated the company address signs for local businesses, refreshed the entrances in Hillcrest Industrial Park, and our office on Mulberry Street has undergone a refresh that features our updated look.
The updates don’t end there, though! Recently, YKK AP Inc. and Middle Georgia Freightliner relocated to updated facilities. Further, Tyson and Yancey Cat have enhanced their properties. From semi-annual retention pond maintenance and a storm drain reclamation project to trash pickups on Frank Amerson parkway, the MBCIA is devoted to improving and enhancing and updating our community features.
This project has been a couple of years in the making, through an intentional collaboration with the industries in the park, our MBCIA Board of Directors and Macon Water Authority. The new signage is truly something that Macon-Bibb County can be proud of!
Stay tuned, the new sign will be here before you know it!
Industry Spotlight – Nichiha
As the MBCIA focuses on workforce development and retention within our community, it recognizes Nichiha USA as an industry excelling at the beginning phases of their involvement with the Pathways Program. Their participation within the program will connect them to high school seniors and recent graduates, ensuring that these talented young professionals remain within the Macon-Bibb workforce.
One of the MBCIA’s Board Members, Dr. Cassandra Washington, spearheads the W.S. Hutchings College and Career Academy as Executive Director. The College and Career Academy focuses on preparing local students to enter their professions, thus bettering the Macon-Bibb workforce pipeline. Through the Academy’s Pathways Program, local students are connected to participating industries and taught crucial career readiness skills.
Nichiha USA is in the beginning phases of its involvement with the Pathways Program, which will connect more Macon-Bibb County students to yet another great industry, therefore bettering the Macon-Bibb workforce.
For more information, or if your industry would like to participate in the Pathways Program, please contact Eleyce Coleman at ecoleman@mbcia.com.
Community Partner Feature
Inside the Macon Mall
The Urban Development Authority (UDA) plays a vital role in local economic development. Currently, the UDA is overseeing the redevelopment of the Macon Mall.
The redevelopment will focus on retaining current retail vendors while bringing in new ones, providing more sports experiences similar to the Rhythm & Rally indoor pickleball facility, and relocating government offices to the vacant spaces within the mall.
The goal is for this redevelopment to bring new life to the mall, attracting Macon locals and visitors alike. For more information, please visit UDA’s website.
Prospect Activity
We are pleased to highlight the current Industrial Prospect activity. This activity demonstrates the MBCIA’s continuous commitment to creating a successful business environment in Macon-Bibb County.