Executive Director’s Report
Presentation of the EDP Designation at the GEDA Annual Conference
As we head into October, we look back on a month filled with achievements throughout Macon-Bibb County. In September, I attended the Georgia Economic Developers Association (GEDA) Annual Conference in Savannah, Georgia alongside MBCIA’s Existing Industry Manager, Eleyce Coleman.
From September 20 through September 22, we were fortunate to attend the conference with several state stakeholders and developers. At the event, one of our very own Board Members, Dr. Cassandra Washington, received a special award for earning Macon-Bibb County Schools the Economic Development Partnership (EDP) Designation over the summer.
The EDP Designation is a district-wide certification process that reinforces the partnerships between the Career, Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE) programs and local industry partnerships. Only 10 school districts in Georgia are invited to apply for the certification. Congratulations again to Dr. Washington and the Bibb County School District!
MBCIA and Dean Baldwin at the Macon-Bibb Hispanic Festival
This month, I was also able to attend the Macon-Bibb Hispanic Festival on Saturday, September 21. We were able to celebrate Hispanic culture with an evening of shows, games, food and dancing. We’d like to give a special shout out to Dean Baldwin and Coca-Cola Bottling Company United for sponsoring the event.
As we head into November, the MBCIA looks forward to celebrating more achievements within Macon-Bibb County. It’s hard to believe that we’re nearing the end of 2024, but we’re grateful for the successes we’ve achieved so far and are looking forward to achieving new ones together.
Existing Industry Manager’s Report
Members of Coca-Cola Bottling Company UNITED at the Fall Industry Partners Luncheon
With fall officially underway, the MBCIA is celebrating all our industry partners and all the hard work that goes into making Macon-Bibb County a great place to work. On September 12, we held our semi-annual Industry Partners Luncheon (IPL) at Rhythm and Rally Sports and Events in Macon.
We are grateful for the success and power of partnerships and collaboration in our community. These collaborations are the groundwork for retaining skilled employees and promoting high morale across our workforce. It was an honor to be able to collaborate alongside these folks at the IPL!
Now that October is here, we are looking forward to hosting our semi-annual Bus Tour, where stakeholders and leaders across the state will join us in learning about each of the industries that make up Macon-Bibb County’s robust workforce. Each time we gear up to host this event, we are reminded of the success and achievements that each of our industries has seen over the years.
Here’s to more growth and achievement in Macon-Bibb County! To read more about this fall’s IPL, check out our Facebook post:
Letter from the Project Manager
Hillcrest Industrial Park Sign
The Macon Bibb County Industrial Authority (MBCIA) aims to recruit and retain industries that will bring jobs and economic development to our community. One way that we strive for recruitment and retainment is to meet the needs of the already-existing industry partners in our community.
Recently, we’ve worked to relieve signage needs throughout our community. Last month, you might have heard about our effort to replace our office signage as well as the signs at the Middle Georgia Regional Airport and 75 Business Park signs. Well, we’re adding more new signage to the list!
Roughly two years ago, MBCIA met with industries within Hillcrest Industrial Park, one of Macon’s first established industrial parks. Some of the integral industries within Macon-Bibb County still operate here (Pyles Plumbing, Houston Asphalt and Terracon), and as a result of the meeting, we were able to fulfill their request to enhance the park by replacing deteriorating signage.
We encourage each of our industries to continue to use their voice and advocate for change. MBCIA has an ongoing mission to help our industries in any way we can. Hillcrest, we hope you enjoy your updated signage!
Here’s to another great month of growth.
Industry Spotlight
As the MBCIA celebrates achievements within Macon-Bibb County, it recognizes the efforts and success from Embraer!
As the third largest aircraft manufacturer in the world, Embraer operates out of a 155,000-square-foot facility at the Middle Georgia Regional Airport (MGRA).
Since its arrival at the airport, Embraer has brought over 100 jobs to Macon-Bibb County. Embraer uses design, imaginative engineering, and technology as the principal tools to create new perspectives and arrive at solutions that bring excellence and performance to each of its clients and partners.
Thank you for all you do for Macon-Bibb County! Here’s to more growth and achievements soon.
Community Partner Feature
Ribbon Cutting Event at the Middle Georgia Regional Commission Office at the Macon Mall.
The MBCIA is proud of its partnership with the Middle Georgia Regional Commission (MGRC).
MGRC has made vast achievements within our community and excels in serving Middle Georgia’s local governments. Recently, MGRC held a ribbon-cutting ceremony for their all-new facilities at the Macon Mall.
The new facilities are a testament to the amount of growth seen by the Commission. Here’s to doing more together!
Prospect Activity
We are pleased to highlight the current Industrial Prospect activity. This activity demonstrates the MBCIA’s continuous commitment to creating a successful business environment in Macon-Bibb County.
Update on the Middle Georgia Regional Airport (MGRA)
The Macon-Bibb County Industrial Authority is excited to announce a major investment in our community with the approval of a $20 million bond to support critical improvements at the Middle Georgia Regional Airport. This project will enhance the airport’s facilities, creating new opportunities for growth and strengthening its role as a key economic engine for our region.
In partnership with the Macon-Bibb County Commission and with the support of Mayor Miller, this initiative reflects a unified effort to improve our local infrastructure and create new jobs. The bond will ensure these much-needed upgrades move forward, benefiting not only the airport but also the broader community. Together, we are investing in a brighter, stronger future for all Macon-Bibb residents! Learn more about the airport’s FBO project here.
This project was made possible through a grant from the USDA Forest Service. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) To file a complaint of discrimination: write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (202) 720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.